I left last Thursday, heading to Dallas to join and help my mom and her boyfriend Joey, in taking care of his two granddaughters. We hit up the zoo and the aquarium; the weekend was packed and exhausting! Here are a few pictures and video!
I had a great time but on the last day I started to feel crummy. I started taking meds which held off the illness for a few days, I suppose. I felt very sick Tuesday night, toughed it out Wednesday and woke up Thursday feeling like a train had run me over!! I went to the doctor who informed me that I had a bacterial infection that was causing me to feel so bad! I was terribly achy, headache, couch, sore throat, you name it! Anyway, I stayed home trying to sleep of the illness (with the help of my prescriptions) for a few days and I’m still trying to recover. Blah! But as I said this hasn’t stopped me from my readings!
First off, I finished all four books in the Twilight series. (Yay me!!) All in all I really liked the series and I don’t think I’ve read that much my entire life! My favorite books were the first one, Twilight, and the third one, Eclipse. I love the Cullen’s, enough said.
The next chapter in the book Lady in Waiting I’ve been reading is about being a Lady of Faith. I don’t have a whole lot to say about this chapter, it wasn’t that long but the message was pretty strong and clear. The author talks about spouse-hunting and how women try to place themselves in the path of where Mr. Right may be. I have to say I agree that girls, myself included, do this and are constantly looking for a new place to meet someone or make things go our way. In doing so we are undermining Gods will and cluttering our vision with fear and doubt that God will provide a spouse for us! All unintentionally of course! I trust God to provide what I need and that he knows best (whether that means marrying or not), so why am I and other women trying to help him out by placing ourselves in “hot spots”? We’re scared he’s forgotten about us and our love story that he wrote. We need to remind ourselves that he has it under control, not us. What we as single women think is right and what he knows is right are sometimes different. If we keep our eyes clear of doubt and fear and focus on our faith in him, he will provide what he knows we need. There’s no need to keep strategically placing yourself in the path you may think Mr. Right may be! In doing so, we may be going in the wrong direction completely because we’re not focused on the right Mr. Right.
Think about it!
Ok I wanted to wrap things up in expressing my excitement, joy, and thankfulness to the Lord about my church’s new sanctuary being finished!!! It has been years in the making and is beautiful and a blessing from God! I’m bummed I’m sick tonight and not at the dedication ceremony but I’m excited about the Silent Auction fundraiser tomorrow night and services on Sunday(I’m determined to be feeling better for these events). I’ll post pictures of the new sanctuary as soon as I get some! Praise him! WE have much to be thankful for.
I leave you with a picture I couldnt help but post! It's of my KidsRHis class Wednesday night, it has my 4 little blonde girls who asked if we could all put the peace sign up in the picture "because it's cool" I wish you could see their peace signs clearer but..I thought it was funny! They are totally in with the times! hehe
God Bless!
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