Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Lady of Diligence

It’s been two days since I read the next Chapter in my book Lady in Waiting; thoughts gathered and ready to go!

When I read the chapter about being a Lady of Diligence I was so excited to be listening to the first sounds of spring! A thunderstorm blessed the south plains that night and the thunder excited me! I couldn’t help but let my thoughts drift to Vampires playing baseball, I’ll confess. Since I already mentioned the Vampires of Twilight, I’ll let everyone know yes I finished the first book…and the second. I couldn’t resist buying it when I saw it at Target- 20% off!! I am making myself be patient to buy the third…until tomorrow.

Ok so Lady of Diligence; what does Diligence mean? I kind of knew…kind of. Dictionary.com says “dil-i-gence” is defined as: constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken; persistent exertion of body or mind. Some synonyms of the word include: conscientiousness, thoroughness, attentiveness, carefulness. Being a Lady of Diligence according to the author in this chapter is being seen as making the most of the time you’ve been given- being attentive, careful and conscious about your decisions. The coordinating bible verse is as follows:

Ephesians 5:15-17 Be very careful, then, how you live-not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish but understand what the Lord’s will is.

When I first read this verse I couldn’t help but stop at the last group of words “understand what the Lord’s will is.” Well what is the Lords will? I’m all up for making the most of an opportunity but here’s the thing: I have control issues. Some of you are reading this saying, “Laura? Control issues? NO WAY!” But those of you who know me well are nodding your head aren’t you? I wish I knew the Lords will and grand plan for me; my life story that he wrote when he created me, I want to know! I try to figure out his plan like a guessing game, always analyzing everything I do trying to piece things together and possible ways everything could go depending on what I do. That’s another part of me, analyzing. This takes up a lot of my time and I should work on not doing it so much if that’s possible. I have a degree in Psychology; what could you expect? I’ve been taught to analyze even more than I already did on my own!

Anyway getting back on track, the chapter discussed being single and making the most of my time. If I stopped analyzing and worrying so much I could do this more and I believe I will put forth an earnest effort to do so, so I can do just that, make the most of my time. Let’s see what kind of guidance the author gives on this:

“The single woman can be involved in the Lord’s work on a level that a married woman cannot because of the distractions and responsibilities of being a wife and mother. Ironically, some single women can be so distressed by their single state they become emotionally more distracted than a wife and mother of four children.”

Interesting point huh? I will admit I have let my “singularity” get the best of me at times and was not using my time wisely-making the most of things. Let’s face it; I’ve got more than enough time on my hands at times. I don’t have kids or a husband to tend to….so why not do things that benefit others in the name of Jesus-- Being a Lady of Diligence. How can I be diligent with my time? The chapter discussed many ways to be a Lady of diligence some being through the ministry of teaching, ministry of encouragement, ministry of prayer, ministry of serving, ministry of writing, ministry of listening, ministry of hospitality and the ministry of helps. As I read the details on each of the aspects I couldn’t help but think fond of myself in some of the areas thinking, “I do that!” Is that bad? I don’t think it is, it’s nice to be able to pat yourself on the back every once in a while for doing good things. I teach the kids at church about Jesus in many ways, through Children’s church, VBS, and KidsRhis; I encourage people every day through my work to the families I work with-which also goes with the ministry of listening as there is plenty of that happening as well not only with my families at work but also personal friends and family. I will admit I don’t do all of these things happily all the time though. That’s where the patting of the back stops. Sometimes I’m not happy to do them at all for various reasons (let’s make it clear that I do love it most times though). Even though I do things in these area’s that would represent being a Lady of Diligence I would like to not only go through the motions of being just that, but become it inside as well as outside; by changing the way I look at the time I’m spending doing them-more as a blessing less as a burden. Seeing being single and having time as a positive thing instead of a negative, my time will come when I can be a busy wife and mother! But for the time being, why shouldn’t I make the most of it.

As for the other areas of diligence mentioned; I’ve taken suggestions the book said about each and ideas of things to do and here’s my plan to enhance the things I’m already doing. There’s always room for improvement! As for the ministry of prayer-find a prayer partner; a friend to pray for and who is praying for you. I’ve got a friend in mind to do this with but I would GLADLY have more than one and am offering to be a prayer partner to anyone who is reading this! Seriously let me know! As for the ministry of service I decided to “adopt” my brother’s troop who is in Afghanistan, I told him I elected myself as their “room mother”. I’m proud to report I’ve already assembled Valentines goody bags for each person in the troop and will get them in the mail ASAP. (I do know it will take weeks for the packages to get there and Valentine’s Day will be in the past but they can still be my Valentine, after all they are defending our country!) I plan on sending little goody bags and encouraging words over every 2-3 weeks. As for the ministry of writing- I feel I write fairly well when I’m blogging and I can only hope that what I say or discuss touches whoever is reading it- that is one of the reasons I decided to discuss the aspects of this book online as opposed to writing a personal journal. I am very excited about the possibilities posed for the ministry of hospitality. Some of you know I have a passion for cooking. I’ve decided to put my name out there to those in need (through the church and to family and friends and anyone put in contact with me) who have just had a baby, or are grieving, or any other circumstance where a warm casserole or having something sweet around the house can be a comfort and lessen their worries. On that note if you know anyone, give me a name and phone number and I will do what I can to get things set up and in motion!

I realize this blog is getting somewhat lengthy but I have another related topic to get into! It’s about getting out there, not only doing things for others but also for yourself, myself. The author of Lady in Waiting says, “Countless single women stay home rather than travel alone into the unknown. (That’s me!!!!) They not only miss out on being encouraged by others, but also are not exposed to new relationships when they remain at home tied up by cords of fear and feeling sorry for themselves. Some singles see the lack of a mate as God denying them something for a more “Nobel purpose”-a cross to bear!”

I’ve already discussed what I’m going to do for others but what about myself. I find so much comfort in reading this verse over and over again:

Psalm 34:18 “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

I have been very brokenhearted and crushed in spirit for too long I believe. I need to put the fire back in my eyes and my heart so to say. Here’s a thought how: It’s called the “Paper Plate Mentality” described in the book which hit home…hard. Check it:

“Someone asked a single woman what helped her to be so satisfied as a single woman. “A full place setting,” was her response. She explained that she had spent many years of using her paper plates while she had good china and flatware that was stored in a hope chest. Then the lord showed her that she did not have to wait for a “mate” to bring beauty to her private world. She unpacked the china and silver to entertain others but also daily for herself.”

Ok, I know some of the people who read this blog, one of them being my mom, who has helped me the most in my own accumulation of things for a “hope chest.” I put everything in a room at my Dad’s house waiting for the right time to use the things, some of them being decorative plates which I love. They are plates for almost every holiday, none of which I have used because I was saving them. Saving them for what though? Ok in my defense I really don’t have room in my new kitchen for all the stuff. But should that stop me from using my Valentines plates? Lucky for me I will be out of town Valentine’s Day but I think the next holiday I will treat myself to St. Patrick’s Day plates or something. I love collecting new dishes anyway and don’t have any for St. Patrick’s Day. I need to bring beauty into my daily life to make it more enjoyable for myself.

Final notes for myself: Let go of things that are holding me back and embrace the time I have for others and myself.

I feel good about this.

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